In the News.
At Liberty Utilities, our products, service, people, and approach to the industry are often newsworthy. Check back often to see the latest on what the company and our people are doing to make economic development news.
South Lake Taho, CA-Liberty Utilities working to prevent wildfires through multiple mitigation efforts. In an effort to combat wildfires in the region and upgrade systems to top-notch safety standards, Liberty Utilities has unveiled their Wildfire Mitigation and Vegetation Management Plan in the Tahoe/Sierra region. “Liberty’s focus is always on reliability and safety,” said a Liberty Utilities representative. “We’re focusing on safety. That includes our employees, our contractors who are out there doing the work. Also the customers and the communities.”
Joplin, MO- Economic Growth Tour in Missouri. Representatives from numerous Joplin businesses are getting a better look at the city’s economy. It was all thanks to a special bus tour. The “Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce” partnered with “MoKan Partnership,” “Liberty Utilities,” and “KCU-Joplin” for the annual “Economic Growth Tour.” Stops included the new dental school, downtown housing and business development projects, and various other projects. 35 people were part of today’s tour, all getting a behind-the-scenes look at what’s been accomplished over the past year and what’s in the works.
Ozarks, MO- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Alleviate Range Anxiety in Southwest Missouri The new charging stations in Ozark are part of Liberty Utilities’ program to enhance the nation’s EV charging infrastructure. These installations provide EV owners with a sense of security and support for their transition to electric transportation. Liberty Utilities Manager of Transportation Electrification, Robin McAlester, emphasized the importance of public charging infrastructure in driving the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.
Neosho, MO- Ready, set, charge: Neosho is now equipped with EV stations. Three new dual port charging stations are the first to be installed downtown Neosho, MO by a grant program offered by Liberty Utilities. Each of the three stations has two chargers, making it possible for up to six vehicles to be recharged at one time. At 7Kw, they can provide 25 miles of electric power for each hour of recharging, said Robin McAlester, senior manager of transportation electrification for Liberty.
South Lake Tahoe, CA- Introduction of Electric Bus Fleet to South Lake Tahoe Community College Campus. The Tahoe Transportation District along with fundamental local partners including Liberty Utilities celebrated the brand-new electric bus fleet and mobility hub that has been created at Lake Tahoe Community College. The project initially was approved in 2018, and the official ribbon-cutting ceremony was held five years later; celebrating the conclusion of the project.
Montrose, MO- Lee County Economic Develop Group adds three board members. J.R. Derksen serves as Manager for Liberty Utilities Business and Community Development for N.E. Missouri, Southeast Iowa, and Central Illinois. He works primarily with Economic Development opportunities, key account management, franchise agreements, and new projects. Read more.
Sikeston, MO- Carlisle Construction Materials Announce New Manufacturing Facility in Missouri. The manufacturer recently announced that it is investing $62 million and creating 100 new jobs at a new 455,000-square foot production and manufacturing facility in Sikeston, Missouri. Read more.Read more.
Sikeston, MO -EnviCor Enterprises to expand to Sikeston, investing $1.4 million and creating 25 jobs. EnviCor Enterprises, LLC, a privately-held manufacturer of rotationally molded plastic parts, announced today it will expand to Sikeston, investing $1.4 million and creating 25 new jobs. EnviCor’s new production facility in Sikeston will enhance its capabilities to serve a broader geographic footprint and deliver custom-molded products for a wider range of customers. Read more.
Clinton, MO -TC Transcontinental Packaging to expand in Clinton, creating 50 new jobs. The expansion is TC Transcontinental Packaging’s second in two years and will further expand its food packaging. The project will include expanding the flexible packaging lines, as well as, a new equipment for the manufacturing of food packaging. Read more.
Nevada, MO -Peerless Products to expand in Nevada, investing $3.5 million and creating 111 jobs. Windows and doors manufacturer Peerless Products, Inc., recently announced it will expand in Nevada, investing $3.5 million and creating 111 new jobs. Peerless’ expansion will increase the company’s production capacity at its existing Nevada facility used for warehousing, manufacturing, and research and development. Read more.
Columbus, GA- Bank Commits to Lease Majority of 230,000-square-foot Riverfront Office Building Development. During a news conference Tuesday, Synovus President and CEO Kevin Blair announced that the company will be the first major tenant committed to moving into the W.C. Bradley Company’s Riverfront Place, 1301 Broadway. Read more.
Impacting Lives.
We're always ready to roll up our sleeves and solve the tough problems. We work with our partners to build pathways to success. Because more is at stake than just economic development. We have the power to impact people's lives for the better by creating a brighter, more sustainable future for the companies we help and the communities we serve.